Make Breakfast for
your Best Friend!




Weston, Vermont, the quintessential New England small town. Two churches with towering steeples, a town green sporting a freshly-painted gazebo, all the essentials – a post office, library, museum and town hall, a dazzling summer theater, a charming country inn, a few delightful restaurants and irresistible stores and about 600 people who call it home. And happiest among them… Pantcakes 'n Woofles.

Every summer for over twenty five years our family was lucky enough to pack up our suitcases, ourselves and an ever-changing number of dogs and head across the country from Arizona to spend a precious few summer months in the amazing fresh air, clear water and green, green, green everywhere of Vermont. Sharing the cool, crisp summer mornings together over breakfast on the screen porch became one the best of family times, a tradition, and almost always served with homemade pancakes or waffles.

Deciding that it was time to try to improve our hectic city-life-influenced diet, we experimented one morning with a whole grain pancake recipe instead of our usual white flour standby. It was terrible. After the first few bites all of us were finished, but having all those leftovers and seeing the two pairs of longing eyes looking up at us from under the table, we succumbed. To our amazement, not only did the dogs eat them, we watched as they gobbled them up. Not sure which one of us said it first… "Guess we made 'Pantcakes', huh?"

Over the next ten years we developed two recipes that were really good – one that made tasty pancakes for us, and one that made 'Pantcakes' – an actually acceptable treat for the dogs. We got inspired and figured out how to make a 'Woofles' as well. As our dogs aged and hard treats became difficult for them to chew and swallow, Pantcakes 'n Woofles became one of the only treats we could offer them that they could eat.

Pantcakes 'n Woofles treat mix now calls Main Street in Weston, Vermont it's year round home. Our treat mix is made from only the finest and freshest whole grains and flours we can find. By sharing our family recipe with you, we wish you the same fun we all had sharing breakfast those way-too-short summer mornings together, and still do. So whether it is on the screen porch in the summer, in the dining room in the winter, or in the kitchen any other time of year, we hope you and your best friend will enjoy the same tradition of family breakfast together that we all had and love!

From our family to yours…